Patient Education & Resources Checklist

Diabetics and Hypertensives get tested regularly (at least annually) and follow your primary physician’s instructions for managing your chronic diseases. 


Ask your doctor, "How am I doing with managing my chronic disease(s) and kidney health?" "What can I do to improve?" How do I eat healthy for my condition?”


Talk with your doctor about how the items below, and stay on top of your own health!!


  • ·   Life Style changes in Diet
  • ·   Water consumption
  • ·   Appropriate Exercise for, age and health
  • ·  Medications and Homepathic (Herbals)- Ensure to inform your        doctor about ALL medications and or Herbs you are taking
  • ·   Be proactive about getting your Check-up and Lab test at the appropriate frequency.


According to the U.S National Kidney Foundation, " it's important to get tested because early detection and treatment can slow or prevent the progression of kidney disease...There are two simple tests to check for kidney disease. 


1. Albuminuria-to-creatinine ratio (ACR). Albuminuria, occurs when there are higher amounts of a type of protein called albumin in the urine, It is a common marker of kidney damage. The ratio of albumin-to-creatinine is recommended as the best method to determine albuminuria. All patients with CKD should be tested for albuminuria at least annually. 


2. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR). GFR is estimated from results of a blood-based creatinine test. It is an indication of how well your kidneys are working to remove wastes from your blood. GFR is calculated using the serum creatinine and other important factors such as age and gender.

In the early stages of kidney disease GFR may be normal. A GFR number of less than 60 is low and may mean that you have kidney disease. 

If you are at increased risk for kidney disease (have diabetes, high blood pressure, or family history of diabetes, high blood pressure or kidney failure), you should find out if you have kidney disease.

They should be done at least once a year so that if you have early kidney disease, it can be treated right away.

Early detected kidney disease can and should be treated to keep it from getting worse! 

For more on albuminuria click here and GFR  click here, the National Kidney Foundation (USA) has very good information on their website. 

For more information on where to get tested you may contact us or go to your local laboratory. 


·         Government Labs

·         St. Augustine's Medical

·         Spice Isle Imaging


Important Resources


1. Grenada National patient Kidney Foundation



2. Ministry Of Health- Social Services: Contact this office (ask for Social Worker) for information regarding applying for assistance from government for dialysis care. For contact information to the Ministry of Health or the General Hospital click here




b. Grenada Food & Nutrition Council 
